Sunday, September 14, 2008

Singing in the Rain

I had the worst night of sleep ever. You cant even argue with me. It sucked. It took me forever to fall asleep due to the fact that there was so much rain coming down on top of our metal roof combined with the horrible winds that hate me smashing into the side of the house and whatnot. After waking up too many times, I decide to put on my noise canceling headphones and turn them on. I was a little scared to turn them on, cause I donno how it gets to be all “noise canceling” so I figured that this would speed up the process to get a brain tumor. After I did this, it was still pretty loud, but not as bad. I got to sleep and it was glorious. Nevertheless, when I woke up, I felt like I had been sleeping on the side of the road.

After everyone was up and we went about discussing what we would do today, we had all realized something…there was water where water shouldn’t be. Dripping from the ceiling. “Oh no, we’ll be fine in this apartment.” Dad said. “its been here for 30 years!” he said. Before we knew it, there were 3, 4, 6, like 10 other dripping spots! And one was above my bed! It was horrible! We scrambled around looking for buckets and pots and pans and bowls to put under the drippage. I wasn’t in a very good mood. Drippage and no sleep and irritating floating around the room makes one likely to snap and kill someone. So, I took a shower…unfortunately it was a fricken COLD shower cause SOMEBODY SOMEWHERE turned off the gas to heat everything. So, to counter it being cold, I muttered to myself. Talking myself through the cold. Don’t ask me what I talk about, cause Im half way out of my mind when I do it. Whilst I was in the shower, I could hear dad talking to Sarah about something that concerned me. I jumped out and got dressed and asked what was going on. Since dad didn’t know what was really going to happen to the apartment during the typhoon, we were going to get a hotel room for the night. I was thrilled. This means I get to sleep! Very exiting. Dad told us to pack some cloths to last us one night. But since he didn’t know what was going to happen to his mighty apartment that had been standing there for 30 years, I didn’t want to take chances and started loading up all of the things that I didn’t want to have ruined by water…or stolen for that matter. I packed up my bible, new tablet, laptop, DS, chargers, phone, blablabla. The works. Dad thought I was crazy. But I didn’t care. Better safe than sorry!

After we were all packed and buckets were neatly placed around the house for catching drips, we were given cheapo ponchos for outside. I know what you’re thinking (probably not, but Im going to assume), “why not just use an umbrella?” Because the winds were harsh. Harsh enough to rip your umbrella right out of your hands and chew it up, spit it out, and then mock you for being an American. Sure, we looked quite ridiculous, but as soon as we stepped outside the door we would have been soaked. The wind and the water was so bad that we had to take a taxi even though it was only 5 blocks away. Dad didn’t have a poncho, so even though he only stepped out of the apartment to the taxi and then the taxi to the hotel, he was soaked. I laughed. It was great.

After checking into the hotel, which, by the way, wasn’t nice enough for the price we paid and also has a window view of down someone’s ally, we decided we were going to go to the mall. Apparently (according to dad), all of the malls and shops are open during a typhoon. We jumped in a cab (quite literally. There was even a man still in it trying to get out), and rushed over to the mall. Unfortunately, it was closed. Everything was fenced up and sand bagged up and craziness. We had the driver just dump us out and we decided to walk to the theater. With empty tummies we strode off into the distance against the wind and rain. No one was on the streets except for a few cars here and there, but there were broken umbrellas laying around everywhere and tipped over scooters. It was nuts! I couldn’t see, the rain was hitting me so hard it hurt…it rocked. I had lots of fun! We got to the theater and thank god it was open. We bought our tickets to see Hellboy 2 and went off to find something to eat. It took us 20 minutes to find somewhere to eat. Everyone was closed, it was retarded. Finally the only places we could find that had food was KFC (ew), Dunkin’ Donuts (wtf?), and this other weird Japanesey place. Naturally we went with the Japanesey. It was fantastic, by the way. Good choice. After that we went to DD (connect the dots, people) and I had a horrible tasting latte and 3 donuts. Ughhh so many sugarzzz…..later we watched the movie, which was awesome by the way. Because it had Chinese subtitles and us Americans laughed before anyone else did cause audio > subs. Also there were some jokes that involved having to know the English language (the “eef you” part for example) that we laughed at but no one else did cause they didn’t get it. It rocked. Afterwards we were hungry again (hehe) and tried to find food. Again, no one was open. We eventually found a bar that was open. It was called like…Jack’s …something or other. The subtitle made me laugh though. “All American breakfast, Mexican Cuisine, Home Made Pies, Cheesecake.” Do you see the issue here?

Anyway…we eat, yum yum, I got to order in English without confusion and it was AWESOME, we go back to the hotel room and I pretty much fall asleep. The sisters, however, watched Semi-pro on the laptop. I didn’t watch it, but I could hear it as I was slipping away into a slumber. OMG horrible movie. I wanted to die. Instead I went to sleep. See the logic?

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