The second night at the hotel I slept real good again. Leighanne, on the other hand, did not. She doesn’t sleep very well when other people are snoring. My dad is a pretty animated snor…er…So its Monday. We look outside and its cloudy and a little sprinkles of rain, but no typhoon. Thank god! I mean, it was real fun walking through it n’ all, but everything is closed and you’re stuck inside and blah. Although if this happened in my home in Washington, I would have had plenty of things to do. Plus I would have cell phone reception…and TV in English…and an internet that didn’t suck ass. Ya, I would have had a lot better time indoors.
So we went down stairs and ate some breakfast. It was pretty much the same stuff as yesterday, so I wont go into detail much. The only thing that was different was that I had coffee this time. Mmm precious coffee. Afterwards we went back upstairs and packed up. It was a pretty fast pack up, I have to say…mostly because I just took all of my stuff and shoved it in the bag we took. Tada! Pretty simple. Now, Ive stayed in plenty of hotels and motels to know what is to be expected in a hotel. But Asia’s hotels are just a little different…for instance, there was a door bell for our room. I know other hotels have door bells, like I have heard the Hyatt in Seattle does, but this is the first time I saw it. Its too bad someone pointed it out to Sarah, because she kept spamming that button like it was going out of style. Also, they had this universal control box thingy for all of the lights, overhead music, and A/C. But what blew everything out of the water, is what I found in the drawer next to the bed. I had put the phone next to the bed in there because it was in my way, but I hadn’t looked inside at that time. This time I looked to get the phone out. And there I saw a complimentary condom just for me. I lawled. It was just something I didn’t expect to see. Maybe a Bible or phone book, but definitely not this. You see, the hotel we stayed at was Feeling Hotel, and by the contents of the drawer, I think people may have taken the name literally. This also brings us back to the amount of “noise” we heard the night before. Yikes.
After packing up, we walked home (its only a few blocks), and once we got there we all checked the damage once again for all the puddles on the floor and whatnot. Pretty much the same, maybe a few new ones here and there. Dad got ready and had to leave for work, since it was Monday, after all. Us kids cleaned up, showered what needed to be, and played a great deal of Pokemon on our DS’s. Eventually Sarah and I adventured outside. She wanted to go to Mister Donut to work towards a box of her own. God I hate that store. My love has grown into a hate. At first I was really exited about the donuts here, but you know what? The icing just isn’t gooey. Its all just hardened on and…Im wanting a challenge when I eat my donut. Especially if Im wearing white? Hell ya. But Sarah bought me a donut for walking her all the way there. Its only like 3 blocks, so whatever. But since I did a favor for her, she had to do a favor for me, and that was go get real food for lunch. We went back to that same ramen shop that is under my dad’s apartment, and this time I didn’t have noodles. I kinda wish I did though, noodles are divine. Instead I had some pork katsu and fried rice. Their fried rice is awesomeeee. Not so greasy and has lots of presents in it. It was a challenge trying to explain to our waitress that we wanted a to-go box for it though. We had to keep trying to describe “to-go” until some other guest in the restaurant leaned over and told the waitress what we wanted. But its all gooood. When we were leaving this van pulled up with its siren lights on and out came two cops. One with a gun in his hand and the other with a taser stick. I was a little worried, especially when they walked into the restaurant and started looking through menus. Odd…but whatever.
Afterwards we just went back home and chilled out until Dad came home. He brought us some Taiwanese pork burgers and they are awesome! The ones at the restaurant I had at home were even more awesome, but these were pretty good. Unfortunately I was too full from lunch to eat it. Dad, Leighanne, and I went on a walk to Blockbuster to return the movies we rented and had to leave Sarah home. She was being a brat and wouldn’t get up off her butt to come with us. She was sour because Dad had brought Leighanne and I home those burgers and we asked if she wanted one but she didn’t want one, so dad didn’t bring her home an alternative. He also wouldn’t make her a sandwich either. But don’t get my dad wrong, he stated that the burgers were dinner and she would have to make something else if she didn’t want it. Despite her attitude, while we were out dad got her a little coffee drink.
That night we watched The One with Jet Li (mmmm…), and I met dad’s landlord! He was sooo cuute. He welcomed me to Taiwan and wished me a safe journey home and all that goodness. He came by to check out the damage to the house. But again, he was real nice. Afterwards we all went to bed and I had some trouble falling asleep…thank goodness Wayne’s World 2 helped me fall asleep. I later had a dream about a train monopoly scandal. Very interesting.
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